I’ve been a high school social studies teacher for over two decades. If you’re reading this, then you have likely been to the same professional development seminars and programs I have attended over the last few years. You’ve likely learned about many of the amazing things digital devices can do […]
Inevitably, anytime we present to a group of teens about the detrimental effects their overuse of technology is having on their mental and social skills, we get questions about our own technology use. “Did you write your book using a computer or by hand?” or “Do you have a smartphone?” […]
According to the new guidelines created by the American Academy of Pediatrics regarding screen time for adolescents, “Pediatricians can also help parents to become effective advocates with their children’s schools for media literacy education and interactive learning-effective programming. ….” and “Educators can play a key role in teaching media literacy […]
As featured on Dr. Richard E. Cytowic’s blog on Psychology Today: The Fallable Mind https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-fallible-mind/201508/poison-apple-technology-fads-make-your-kids-dumber Your kids are getting dumber. We didn’t want to be the ones to tell you, but someone had to. The saddest part of this is that your kids are getting dumber because of what is going on […]
As two teachers who have spent a combined 30 years in the classroom, we can tell you there has been a significant change in today’s students. They’re dumber. When compared to their early millennial counterparts, modern students (aka digiLearners) are significantly lacking in the areas of critical and creative thinking, […]
The Overuse of Digital Technologies is Ruining Our Schools. PaleoEducation is the solution. If you are a classroom teacher, you have likely been told that you need to use more technology in your classroom. It might even be a part of your evaluation. If you have ever asked an instructional […]